Readers tell me, “I love your story! And I understood everything you meant.”
I’m thrilled, but I wonder, “Did you really catch everything?” If I did my job right, a second, third, or even seventeenth reading might be required to connect all the dots and grasp the full significance, especially as it connects with the real world.
For instance, did you notice in chapter 12 that Grandfather parrots to Adam an exact sentence that Father Dementiras stated earlier? And in chapter 13, Adam unknowingly repeats in his mind specific words that came from Grandfather. This detail of repeated quoting isn’t crucial to the story, but it makes a significant point: the ideas that control us have a source. More often than we’d like to think, it’s the father de mentiras (“of lies” in Spanish).
I’d love to take you a little deeper into the story and uncover some of the things you may have missed. More than anything, I’d like to draw you into the Bible. If you never make it there, you kind of missed the whole point of the story.
I will warn you that if you haven’t read the book yet, this explanation will be a bit of a spoiler. But I will also say that it doesn’t uncover everything. There’s plenty more I’ve left for you to find on your own.
Does ought within this tale ignite your soul?
Are you by dragons, swords, and kingdoms awed?
Then let this river draw you to its source:
The words of truth, the story writ by God.
My tale is like the moon—a dusty ball,
Reflecting back a glory not its own.
The Bible is the sun itself—the Light
That touched to life all moons which ever shone.
To understand my message at its core
Requires knowing earth’s eternal Lord—
The king who made this world and all that’s real,
Who speaks, although His words are oft ignored.
If you can read of Adam’s crimes and debts
And fail to see your own then you are blind.
Would not the righteous angels gasp at you
Could they but know the thoughts that cross your mind?
If you forget all else, remember God:
He’s good, His wrath is just, and we’re to blame.
But those who run to Christ will be redeemed;
God loves to save each one who trusts His name.
If still my meaning you misunderstand,
Though I have tried by verse to make it plain,
(Perhaps if poetry is not your thing)
Then let your eyes peruse these lines again.
But there’s a better path, as Adam found;
The King's Stones in the plaza fight no rival.
If you would hear the voice of God Himself,
Put down my book and go explore the Bible!